We started our our adventure road trip south leaving Anchorage and heading along the Turnagain Arm.
Next Stop was the Alyeska Resort & Hotel Alyeska. This hotel was opened in 1194 and is still the epitome of high end Alaska. You can spend a lot of time here any time of the year. Hopefully we get back there to snowboard one day.
We then headed to Whittier AK. At this point, the last few days had been overcast. Upon arriving in Whittier you travel through a one way traffic mountain tunnel. The trip started out foggy on one side of the mountain, and we were greeted with blue bird sky's once in Whittier. Our Glacier tour was absolutely amazing. Even the tour guide mentioned how amazing the weather was a number of times. A huge plus was seeing the Northern Lights in Whittier.
There are so many amazing parts about this part of our trip. You can read more here: Northern Lights Alaska